7 Ways that Raised Dishes for Dogs Can Improve Their Health

Raised dishes for dogs aren’t just a fancy new pet accessory. They offer practical benefits to your dog’s health and can improve the way they eat, stand, and play.
Here’s a closer look at why more pet owners are choosing raised dishes for dogs and how you can tap into these same advantages.
1. Raised Dishes for Dogs Support Digestion
An elevated dog bowl may help dogs digest their food and avoid digestive issues.
When your dog has to bend to eat from the ground, they may gulp their food more quickly. This means they’re also swallowing more air, which can lead to gas and bloating.
And in some cases, your pet may experience gastric torsion, which twists the stomach and prevents food from traveling through the digestive tract.
Raising the bowl to a more comfortable height may help improve their digestion. They’re less prone to vomiting and choking, leading to a better overall eating experience.
2. Raised Bowls Take Pressure Off Joints and Muscles
The higher height of a raised bowl allows your pet to eat in a more natural position. This reduces the strain on their neck and allows them to maintain posture.
Eating shouldn’t take much effort. When you elevate your pet’s food bowl, they don’t have to work as hard to eat their food. Better posture sets them up for a happy, healthy life.
3. Elevated Pet Food Bowls Can Ease Megaesophagus
Raised dog food bowls may help megaesophagus by allowing food to travel more freely to the stomach. You can elevate their bowl to allow them to eat between a 45-90-degree angle.
Megaesophagus is a serious condition that makes it hard for dogs to swallow their food. The esophagus is a soft, stretchy tube that connects the throat to the stomach. But this tube can get stretched out, allowing food to accumulate rather than travel to the stomach.
When this happens, your dog has a much harder time swallowing their food. This makes their condition worse, as an inability to swallow means food continues to accumulate.
4. High Dog Bowls Help Dogs with Arthritis
High dog bowls can reduce joint pressure by allowing your dog to eat at a natural height. They’ll bend less to eat, which means less strain on joints.
Dogs can develop arthritis, just like people. Arthritis affects the joints and can be painful when there’s too much pressure on the joints.
5. Feeding Areas Stay Cleaner with Elevated Pet Bowls
Elevated pet bowls not only add a stylish addition to your home. They also serve a practical purpose in keeping feeding areas cleaner. By raising the pet bowl off the ground, pets are less likely to track food and water around the area, reducing spills and messes.
This can be especially beneficial for older dogs who may have trouble bending down to reach their bowls.
Also, elevated bowls make it easier for pet parents to clean around. Dishes are typically on raised stands, so you can easily clean under and around the feeding area without having to bend and stoop.
6. Raised Bowls Slow Down Fast Eaters
Some pets can be overzealous eaters, gulping down whole bowls of food in seconds. This can cause digestive issues, especially bloating.
Raised pet bowls encourage your dogs to take their time and enjoy every bite. They can eat at a more controlled pace, reducing the risk of bloating and other digestive issues.
7. Higher Bowls Promote Eating While Standing
A higher pet bowl encourages your pet to eat while standing.
Some pets like to “take a seat” while they eat. But sitting or lying down to eat isn’t great for their posture or digestion.
With a higher bowl, they can maintain good posture and reduce their risk of choking or vomiting.
Consider incorporating raised dog dishes into your dog's feeding routine and see the difference it can make in their health and well-being.