How Are Elevated Dog Bowls Better for Older Dogs?

Today, we’re answering the question, “How Are Elevated Dog Bowls Better for Older Dogs?” Whether you have a beloved senior pet or are simply curious, we’re here to share what we know about dog bowls for senior pets. Let’s Dive In!
Are Elevated Dog Bowls Better?
There’s lots of controversy out there about raised dog bowls. Sources vary; some say they reduce bloating, while others claim they enhance it. But here’s what we know: testimonials from real pet owners share that elevated dog bowls make a substantial difference. And from what we’re hearing, it sounds like they think they are much better.
Relief From Pain
As pets age, they can often start to develop creaky joints or slight arthritis. Having a bowl on the ground means that they need to bend over, often straining to reach their meal. Elevating their bowl offers numerous benefits, including improved posture and relief from back, neck, and joint pain.
No More Dribbling or Vomiting
Senior pets may also have less control of their facial muscles and struggle with clumsily spilling water or scattering kibble. Occasionally, senior dogs can dribble while drinking or struggle with vomiting as they eat their meal. Raising the bowl helps eliminate these challenges, and many pet owners find there is less mess.
Hygienic Bowls
Having washable pet bowls makes maintenance so much easier! Stainless steel bowls are dishwasher safe, making cleanup fast and simple. Routinely washing your pet’s bowls ensures no hidden bacteria, fungi, or algae. These things are unhelpful for senior pets, who may not have quite as strong an immune system as they once did. Keeping things clean and sanitary will help them stay healthy, hygienic, and hearty.
Lowers Risk of Falling
With a regular pet bowl, water spills or kibble can easily fall onto the floor as the pet eats. This is especially hazardous for an older pet who is not as sure-footed as before. Choosing an elevated pet bowl will keep your pet’s food and water contained and help prevent spills, lowering any risks of slipping or falling.
We hope you’ve found this helpful. All the best to you and your furry friend!