How To Start Puppies on Hard Food

In today's post, we're sharing how to start puppies on hard food. We're excited to give you tips and recommendations as you navigate this special time with your new pet. Let's dive in and talk about how your pet can go from eating mommy's food to big-pet food!
When Can Puppies Start Eating Hard Food?
Puppies can begin eating food at roughly four weeks old. At this stage, they're getting ready to explore textures and flavors with their mouth and start trying things other than their mother's milk. It's important to slowly introduce food to them since their tiny tummies cannot handle hard food immediately. The weening process can last until they're seven to eight weeks old.
How To Introduce Food to Them
Mix hard puppy kibble with warm milk, puppy formula, or hot water. Let it sit for around ten minutes or until the kibble is moist and porridge textured. Then, carefully plate the "puppy mush" and introduce it to your pet. As they adjust to this porridge, you can also supplement it with canned dog food or other soft, moist puppy food alternatives. As you ween them, keep an eye on their stools to ensure they are doing well. If their stools are loose, this is a sign you may have made an abrupt transition and need to cut back on the puppy mush.
How Often Do I Feed My Pet?
When they're tiny, give them small meals three or four times a day. When they are about 3-6 months old, you can cut this back to two or three times. At 6 to 12 months, you can consistently feed them twice a day. Amounts of food can vary depending on the breed, so make sure to research if you feel your pet needs more nutrition and is acting hungry.
What Do I Use to Feed My Dog?
Feeding them may be messy at the beginning of the weening process, so make sure to feed them in a space that will be easy to clean up. Start with a size-appropriate, shallow, low bowl so they don't need to stand on their tiptoes or reach over the edge of a larger dog's bowl. Replace the shallow bowl with an adjustable dog bowl stand as they grow a bit bigger. This excellent option will grow with your pet and ensure you don't need to purchase another bowl every few months! It will also help with digestion and help them to maintain proper posture.
Ask Your Vet
If you have any concerns, ask your veterinarian what is best for your pet. Certain breeds may require more care than others, and as always, you want your pet to stay as healthy and happy as possible!
We hope you feel like you have a better understanding of how to start puppies on hard food. We wish you all the best as you introduce your new furry friend to new experiences and foods.